Press release
NEWS / THE BID Art Space
(English version follows Italian)
Nell’intento di ridurre le possibilità di contagio da coronavirus e soprattutto di garantire l’incolumità e la sicurezza degli artisti internazionali previsti per il programma primaverile (prevalentemente provenienti dagli USA) sia durante la loro permanenza che in fase di rientro nei rispettivi paesi, ed evitando di sottoporli al rischio di superamento della scadenza per richiedere rimborsi alle compagnie aeree, THE BID Art Space rende pubblico - senza allarmismi - quanto già ad essi comunicato in via riservata, cioè la sospensione delle attività artistiche e culturali sino al 23 maggio, prorogabile sino a quando il livello di allerta deciso dall’Ufficio Affari Consolari del Dipartimento di Stato degli Stati Uniti d’America non sarà sceso dall’attuale Livello 4 (do not travel) ad almeno il Livello 2 (exercise increased caution).
Il Comune e la Provincia in cui è situato THE BID Art Space sono stati inseriti dalle autorità italiane nella cosiddetta zona rossa (assieme alla Lombardia e al Veneto) nella quale si raccomanda la massima cautela.
In order to reduce the possibility of coronavirus infection, to guarantee the safety of international artists (mainly from the USA and scheduled for the spring program) in their outbound, stay and inbound as well as to avoid the deadline-passing for requesting refunds from airlines, THE BID Art Space announces what has already been confidentially notified to the parties, namely the suspension of artistic and cultural activities until May 23. This date may be extended until the alert level decided by the Bureau of Consular Affairs of the United States Department of State has dropped from the current Level 4 (do not travel) to Level 2 (exercise increased caution) or lower.
The town of Pesaro and Province of Pesaro and Urbino in which THE BID Art Space is located have been included by the Italian authorities in the so-called red zone, same as Lombardy and Veneto (the most affected areas in Italy) in which maximum caution is recommended.
Il Comune e la Provincia in cui è situato THE BID Art Space sono stati inseriti dalle autorità italiane nella cosiddetta zona rossa (assieme alla Lombardia e al Veneto) nella quale si raccomanda la massima cautela.
In order to reduce the possibility of coronavirus infection, to guarantee the safety of international artists (mainly from the USA and scheduled for the spring program) in their outbound, stay and inbound as well as to avoid the deadline-passing for requesting refunds from airlines, THE BID Art Space announces what has already been confidentially notified to the parties, namely the suspension of artistic and cultural activities until May 23. This date may be extended until the alert level decided by the Bureau of Consular Affairs of the United States Department of State has dropped from the current Level 4 (do not travel) to Level 2 (exercise increased caution) or lower.
The town of Pesaro and Province of Pesaro and Urbino in which THE BID Art Space is located have been included by the Italian authorities in the so-called red zone, same as Lombardy and Veneto (the most affected areas in Italy) in which maximum caution is recommended.
Davide Filippini
Co-Founder, Chief Press Officer
Lorenzo Uccellini
Founder, President, Art Director
THE BID Art Space
Viale Napoli 83 - 61121 Pesaro
Info: (39) 346 087 3030 (Lorenzo Uccellini)